Time still

Lisa Cosmillo
Nov 8, 2020

We yell across the distance
greeting each other in the same

Oddly there’s a common language

we know one another
though we’ve barely met

our differences are apparent
as we slide into comfortable dialect
my midwestern twang
dormant for many moons

our common linguistics
do not surprise me
though I left that world

but as the
rotors of
click into place
we are mildly

we take turns acknowledging
and wondering
doubting and delighting
pulling away
stepping in

can I really hold
from this idealogical distance
care for their wounds
dry their eyes
metaphorically — ironically

hold them

is it possible to honor
even cherish
while staunchly misaligned

I ask the question
in all sincerity
my dear friend

you laugh
in that voice
I’ve come to love
you gently
hold me with your attention
and whisper softly
in my ear

Yes, of course, it is



Lisa Cosmillo

Hi. I am a woman, yoga teacher, studio owner, writer, mom, friend, timeless and unlimited soul. Living alone for the first time ever. Finding love… in me.